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Signal processing in Vibration analysis
Christophe Blouet - Watch Now - DSP Online Conference 2020 - Duration: 49:39
Hi, It's been updated, sorry for the inconvenience
Hello, thanks for your feedback.
Page 25 is working, but it's just very very slow, I have updated the presentation, awaiting for it to be uploaded on the site, I will keep you posted when done.
spectral kurtois sounds like a brilliant idea for CbM in motors. Please let me know if you have any good references.
Here are 2 references you could have a look at
The spectral kurtosis: a useful tool for characterising non-stationary signals
The spectral kurtosis: application to the vibratory surveillance and diagnostics of rotating machines
Thanks. I'll check out the links.
very, very interesting,
& very, very competent speaker.
Many Thanks Danilo
I was a helicopter pilot in the NAVY. One maintenance item that needed to be done was rotor blade tracking. Can / is this technology used for rotor blade tracking?
Hi L?onard,
Yes, blade tracking is also done with this kind of equipment, but more with optical sensors, that is sometimes added for temporary measurement, sometimes permanent.
Nice presentation.
Is it me or the pdf is empty after page 25?