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Real Life Applications of Polyphase Filter Banks

Leandro Stefanazzi - Watch Now - DSP Online Conference 2023 - Duration: 36:22

Real Life Applications of Polyphase Filter Banks
Leandro Stefanazzi

This talk will present and revisit very briefly the concepts of Polyphase Filter Banks. The idea is to show applications with real-life and actual implementations over RFSoC devices. In this talk I want to show you what are the details to keep in mind when going from Matlab to FPGA: arthitectural decisions, clocking schemes, fixed-point issues, etc. I will make available the Vivado project together with all the source files for different RFSoC platforms.

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Score: 0 | 1 year ago | 1 reply

Perfect follow-on from fred's talks. We use a WOLA overlap here for our wideband PFBs, but we don't use switched bands so the processing effort is problematic. Our FPGAs don't have as much available floorplan as yours. Yup, wideband RF baluns are now an issue. I'll head over to github soon. Many thanks.

Score: 0 | 1 year ago | no reply

Hello John,
Yes I agree about the WOLAs. These RFSoCs are pretty good size, about 4k DSPs. Not higher end from AMD, but still good plus the ADCs and DACs.

I hope you can get my project and use it! Let me know how it goes.

Score: 0 | 1 year ago | 1 reply

Great talk - I need to review the early chapters of the fred harris book on multirate signal processing to remember all the theory behind this.
I noticed the "tilt" on the VNA plots for the filter application. Did you forget to through-cal out the interconnect cables before taking the measurements, or is there some other explanation for this "tilt"?

Score: 0 | 1 year ago | no reply

Hi Michael

Thanks a lot for your comments. Definitely fred’s notes are the way to go.

Regarding the tilt, this board has a RF balun on the output/input. I didn’t calibrate that and just made it my “DUT” to show something. But you could easily calibrate this to have a more realistic VNA.

Hope this helps