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Deep Learning, Wireless Communications, and Signal Processing: Bridging the Gap

Dheeraj Sharma - Watch Now - DSP Online Conference 2023 - Duration: 31:40

Deep Learning, Wireless Communications, and Signal Processing: Bridging the Gap
Dheeraj Sharma
The talk explores the role of Deep Learning in enhancing wireless communications, specifically how it helps optimize signal processing, increase efficiency, and address challenges like signal interference and latency. Through real-world examples and forward-looking perspectives, the talk illustrates how the synergistic integration of these technologies is forging the path for the future of communication.
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Score: 0 | 12 months ago | 1 reply

Dear Dheeraj, thank you for your interesting talk using a practical application of Markov fields and DL. I enjoyed it very much. Do you offer the source code you showed in your presentation somewhere (GitHub)? I would be very interested to evaluate your steps on my own. Thank you

Score: 0 | 12 months ago | no reply

The source code can now be downloaded in the column on the left-hand side

Score: 0 | 12 months ago | no reply

The approach of converting RF field complexity with (SGAF, DGAF, MTF tools) to an image and then using SGD, DL tools developed for image analysis, is an interesting take. Your comments regarding XAI are duly noted.