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Things We Should Not Do In Future Radios, (Future Designs Should Not Include Past Mistakes)

fred harris - Watch Now - DSP Online Conference 2020 - Duration: 02:28:30

Wireless technology is a shining example of a disruptive innovation that has changed society in remarkable ways. The innovation has altered how people communicate, how people access information, how people are entertained, and how people conduct and schedule their social lives. Every human activity advances and grows through a number of influences. One is experience, one is market forces, another is effective education, and yet another is common wisdom. Common wisdom is entrenched perspectives and levels of understanding accepted by the community as guide posts of the process. In fact there are many examples to be found in the wireless community of common wisdom being faulty. Samuel Clemens’ comment “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so” The wireless community is not free of entrenched faulty common wisdom which is passed on to successive practitioners of the art. Universities are just as liable as industry for not examining and questioning common wisdom. In this presentation we examine the evolution of wireless technology from the early days through now and show how a number of wisdoms can be shown to not be wise but never-the-less have become entrenched in the fabric of our wireless technology

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Score: 0 | 4 years ago | no reply

1:18:30 Great explanation! My Joulescope UI software currently allows the user to specify the overlap for the frequency analysis, but I am sure very few people actually know what to specify. Time to remove that feature and just make it work based upon their selected window. Thanks!