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FPGA Resource Optimizing in DSP Algorithms

Pablo Trujillo - Watch Now - DSP Online Conference 2023 - Duration: 31:50

FPGA Resource Optimizing in DSP Algorithms
Pablo Trujillo
FPGA are devices where DSP algorithms fit perfectly. The MACC blocks in FPGA are almost designed for this kind of algorithms but they are also a limited resource. Small FPGA like Spartan 7 or Intel MAX10 have a reduced number of MACC blocks but well used, that little amount can be enough to implement even high-order filters. This session talks about how to optimize the number of MACC blocks used in DSP algorithms by applying technics like folding, optimizing the number of bits, or changing the structure of the DSP algorithm. During the session, we will see the implementation results of the different technics and how much we can reduce the amount of MACC blocks and also the number of general resources used.
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Score: 0 | 11 months ago | no reply

Some nice re-compositions and why you might want to do them. Many thanks for an interesting in-depth presentation of some things we kinda knew, but had forgot. You might want to point to the elements in the presentation that you accent heavily eg. point to a register for "resistors". Anyway, most interesting.

Score: 1 | 11 months ago | 1 reply

Very informative with the comparison of FPGA resource usage and DSP algorithm implementation. The flow of your presentation was quite helpful in showing me the implementation options and the results. I'll definitely be applying this information with my DSP
algorithm design on FPGAs. I enjoyed watching your presentation and I'm going to be reading your blog for additional information. Thank you.

May I add one piece of constructive criticism, your heavy accent made some of the words pronounced difficult to understand. I was able to figure out most of them after a while. If you slowdown with some of those words and/or provided a transcript of your presentation that I could quickly reference, I would have been able to follow you better. Your comments are quite valuable, and I didn't want to miss what you were conveying.

Pablo Trujillo
Score: 0 | 11 months ago | no reply

Hi Brad,
many thanks for your comments. Yes, my accent is far from native English. Maybe I have to add more words to my slides in order to make it easy for the attendants to follow me. Noted for the next!
Regarding the blog, you will find from the design of the DSP algorithm in Matlab or Python to the implementation in Verilog. Also, you can follow me on X (Twitter) where I share new posts and posts that I wrote some time ago.
Thanks for attending!

Score: 1 | 11 months ago | 1 reply

Dear Pablo, very interesting and comprehensive talk, I enjoyed it very much. I need to check out your website. Thank you for this talk.

Pablo Trujillo
Score: 0 | 11 months ago | no reply

Hi Thomas,
thanks for your comment!