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Live Q&A - Speech Dereverberation using Coherent to Diffuse Power Ratio Estimators (CDR)

David Castro Pinol - Watch Now - DSP Online Conference 2022 - Duration: 22:32

Live Q&A - Speech Dereverberation using Coherent to Diffuse Power Ratio Estimators (CDR)
David Castro Pinol
Live Q&A with David Castro Pinol for the talk titled Speech Dereverberation using Coherent to Diffuse Power Ratio Estimators (CDR)
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Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

There was a typo in the repository reference: The code to test speech dereverberation using CDR estimators is available on: https://github.com/andreas12345/cdr-dereverb

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

There was a typo in the repository reference: The code to test speech dereverberation using CDR estimators is available on: https://github.com/andreas12345/cdr-dereverb

15:10:32	 From  Brewster LaMacchia : (I have to drop but thank you for putting together this presentation)
15:14:39	 From  JohnP : I'm interested as to why David would not apply these general principles to electromagnetic propagation ?
15:15:18	 From  Thomas Wagner : In the postprocessing of the voice audio, it sounded like there were some high frequency residuals. Is that inherent to the algorithm or is it something that could be improved about it?
15:16:20	 From  Thomas Wagner : @JohnP a hunch would be processing speed but that's the same thing isn't it?
15:18:12	 From  Michael Kirkhart : Yes, I noticed that as well.
15:18:19	 From  JohnP : @Thomas processing speed is just a technology issue
15:19:48	 From  Thomas Wagner : @JohnP yes sure is and not so much of a problem these days. I just meant to say I couldn't see the difference.
15:20:17	 From  David Castro PiƱol : https://github.com/andreas12345/cdr-dereverb
15:20:36	 From  Thomas Wagner : Thank you David for your answer. Therefore is it safe to assume you could integrate some ML /DL in this algorithms to get the optimal performance out of it?
15:22:24	 From  Thomas Wagner : Or even the parameters you were talking about but I didn't think about working with CBR directly.
15:22:41	 From  Thomas Wagner : That's a good point thank you
15:23:56	 From  Michael Kirkhart : Updated code link works - thank you!
15:24:29	 From  Michael Kirkhart : Link to paper (from github repo): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.03784.pdf
15:26:00	 From  Thomas Wagner : Thank you bye!