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Live Q&A with Ric Losada - Convolution: A Practical Review

Ric Losada - Watch Now - Duration: 24:02

Live Q&A with Ric Losada - Convolution: A Practical Review
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Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

one very effective option... do the 5-to- down sampling in polyphase and then 1-to-5 interpolator to keep same input sample rate but have all operations at reduced sample rate.... always beats the IFIR filter which raises the sample rate and uses wider registers to hold the zero packed data.

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

the longest room acoustic impulse response i ever heard was a cathedral in England... they wanted to show how the echos significantly altered how a modern piece of music would sound in a long echo environment...i think it was a matlab based demo....

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

On circular buffers: I believe you can get rid of the if statement with a modulus operator to recenter back to start if the memory is aligned, but ymmv whether branch mispredictions vs. division is cheaper.

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

On slide SIMD Implementation: When doing SIMD, doesn't each register still rely on the prior results (the other registers) to finish? Did we shift gears away from the partial-parallel you were talking about for ASICs?

17:13:46	 From  Emanuele Ziglioli : Notch filters are single pole IIRs
17:14:03	 From  Emanuele Ziglioli : DC blockers, right?
17:15:56	 From  Stephane Boucher   to   Radu Pralea(Direct Message) : These seem to be something wrong with your audio
17:17:11	 From  Michael Kirkhart : High pass filters are typically used for DC blocking applications.
17:20:52	 From  Emanuele Ziglioli : Great talk, loved last year's one too!
17:21:23	 From  cblo : very good talk, thank you
17:22:09	 From  Emanuele Ziglioli : Since when has GCC been doing auto-SIMD? must have missed that!
17:22:35	 From  Thomas Wagner : Is that trustable vs assembler?
17:22:58	 From  cblo : btw the DSP system toolbox is quite furnished, good work
17:25:21	 From  cblo : I swear I'm not from your team
17:25:53	 From  Darkphibre / Amity : Thank you very much!
17:26:07	 From  Thomas Wagner : Thank you!